How To Stay Healthy When Life Gets Busy

People today lead busier lives than ever before. From busy moms and dads who are just trying to keep up with everyone’s extracurricular activities, along with paying the bills to the busy professional who is working night and day to stay ahead at work, it can become easy to neglect little things in our lives like our health. Staying healthy during life’s busiest times does not have to be an afterthought. Here are some helpful tips and strategies for you to stay healthy, even during the most hectic of days.

1. Plan Ahead 
When you have had a non-stop day, the last thing you feel like doing is going home and cooking a large family dinner. It can be so tempting to make a quick stop at the drive through and have dinner available without even having to leave your car. One solution to the dinnertime dilemma would be to plan your meals ahead for the week ahead and on a lighter day, maybe a weekend day, prepare in batches as many meals as you can for the upcoming week. You can place those meals in the freezer for when you need them and re-heat them only when you are ready to use them.

2. Bring Snacks 
There will be days where you just can not find the time to sit down and have a meal during the day or maybe you had to inhale your part of your lunch and run into the next meeting. It would be beneficial to always carry along some pre-packaged snacks with you in case your day suddenly turns chaotic. You can do-it-yourself and package your favorite shelf-stable snack or purchase pre-packaged almonds, nuts, trail mix, or cheese sticks for a quick and easy grab in the morning. Some people prefer to utilize powdered mixes, such as protein or a wheat grass juice powder, for a quick and healthy alternative to snacking.

3. Get Creative with Your Work-Outs 
It is best to get in a few days of workouts in per week but sometimes that is not feasible. Luckily, there are little exercises you can do from your desk or while doing housework that will really get your heart rate up or at least give you a boost of energy to get over that mid-day slump. Try incorporating little changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking or biking to your destination, or switching out your chair at work for a balance ball.

4.Take Breaks 
Everyone has a breaking point and, ideally, you do not want to reach yours. When you feel so overwhelmed with responsibility that it becomes hard to concentrate or prioritize, it is time to take a short break. Take at least 15 minutes to go outside or away from your work area, find somewhere quiet, and take time to clear your mind. Some people may find that taking a light stroll helps clear their mind, while others prefer to sit and meditate. Find what works for you and utilize it as often as you need to keep your mind healthy, as well as your body.

5. Stay Hydrated 
It has been proven one thousand times over that water carries a multitude of benefits to our health, yet most of us fail to intake enough of it. Staying hydrated throughout the day can be easy if you invest in an easy to carry water bottle that can stay with you during your busiest days. Some people find it helpful to mark how much water they plan to drink on their bottle by a certain time and use that as a reminder to stay hydrated.

With a few small changes in your routine, it is possible to lead a busy lifestyle but remain healthy. By taking care of yourself physically and mentally, you will notice you have more energy through the day to tackle whatever challenges are brought your way.

Adam Richards

About Adam Richards

Adam Richards is a semi-retired business professional originally from Bangor, Maine. He spent the majority of his career in sales and marketing where he rose to the marketing lead of a Fortune 1000 company. He then moved on to helping people as a career counselor that specifically helped bring families to self-sufficiency through finding them rewarding careers. He has now returned to Bangor for his retirement and spends his free time writing. This blog will be about everything he learned throughout his career. He'll write on career, workplace, education and technology issues as well as on trends, changes, and advice for the Maine job market and its employers.